Mobile :- +917600833600
Mail :- [email protected]
Mail :- [email protected]

Nokia :-
This is the best software, you can install,essely. Supported of Symbian ,Anna,Belle....
This is the best software, you can install,essely. Supported of Symbian ,Anna,Belle....

Blackberry :-
This is the most complete software for spying blackberry phones, all latest BB models are supported.....
This is the most complete software for spying blackberry phones, all latest BB models are supported.....

Android :-
Blackberry Spy
Software server edition
offers, Android phone
for life time....
Blackberry Spy
Software server edition
offers, Android phone
for life time....

Iphone :-
This is the most
complete software for
spying iPhones, all
latest iPhone models
are supported....
This is the most
complete software for
spying iPhones, all
latest iPhone models
are supported....

{1} What is Spy software?
Ans.- Thespyphone software is hidden mobile software, activity to track mobile conversation via install spy software in mobile. After the installation of thespyphone software and deliver all of information via a SMS or your mail id. One of the best features in This software, you to listen to the surroundings voice of the target mobile when target mobile is put in idal mode. Listen all live conversation on monitor mobile, Read all incoming out going SMS, You can see where is located your target person etc.
{2} How does it work?
Ans.- Call Interception is the ability to listen in to an active phone call on a target mobile phone. Send secret SMS to the target phone to control all functions. You don’t need to physically access the phone for any feature not related to installation. When any calls to or from this numbers occur on the target phone, TheSpyShone Software will send a secret SMS to your mobile. You can now call the target mobile and listen in to the live call. You make a spy call to the target phone and listen in to the phones surroundings. This does not allow you to listen to the phone conversation in progress. Please check Call Interception for the Call Tapping feature. The phone with TheSpyPhone Software on it is the target phone. The phone you make spy calls from is the monitor phone. When you call the target phone from the monitor phone, the target phone will answer the call silently, letting you listen to the phones surroundings. If the phone is busy or a key is pressed, the spy call will be disconnected, and the target will be none the wiser.
{3} How can i use Software?
Ans.- Cheating is as old is human society. Cheats have existed since ancient days. Now cheating has moved into a new dimension with the latest science and technology. Statistics say that 85% and 50% of people who feel their lover is cheating - are right. If you have suspicions, warnings or signals of infidelity by your spouse or partner, consider our SPYPHONE SOFTWARE to find out for Sure. Most affairs directly involve mobile phones, and SpyPhone allows you to listen to phone calls,read SMS and turn the phone on at key times to listen to the phones surroundings like a microphone.
{4} How to monitor employees?
Ans.- If You have a company, your company done lot of business. But after some time business rate is down. You want to track your employee, any one will cheating with me. You gift a mobile with loaded thespyphone software. So now whenever your employee picks up a phone and talks to someone, you get a message when starting the call that she has called someone on number. You dial on your employee number and you can listen to all live conversation ans also you can see where is located your employee.

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